I've Got Some Falling To Do
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:32 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Hip to the Javabean
Song Author
Neil Cicierega
File Size
126 KB
In an air-plane, I was fly-ing.
Just a flight at-ten-dant guy.
I can be clum-sy, and I stum-bled
Out the door in-to the sky.
Now I am fall-ing through the air.
Wind and re-gret flow through my hair.
All I can do right now is stare down at the o-cean.
This-is bo-ring. Yes I�m fall-ing,
But it�s ta-king quite a while.
My des-ti-na-tion is im-pen-ding.
Might as well go out in style.
I put my arms out to the skies,
Whist-le a tune and close my eyes,
Try-ing to brief-ly re-a-lize per-pe-tu-al mo-tion.
Sud-den-ly, giant tentacles rise from the open sea,
And with total precision they lasso me.
It�s a monstrous squid and he saved my life,
But I am too freaked out to be nice.
So I tell him the truth, that I�d rather fall.
No offense but at least it�s predictable.
Gotta stop stalling, I�ve got some falling to do.
I�m probably gonna die, but it�s something new.
I guess it all depends on your point of view. It�s true.